Hello, I'm Qianqi, the designer and developer of this Game, Ecosystem Simulator. I'm currently doing research on Serious Games in Machine Learning Algorithm Study. In this game, a machine learning algorithm, Genetic Algorithm (GA) is integrated through out the game flow. To successfully evaluate the effectiveness of this game on teaching GA, there will be a pre-test and post-test collecting your game experiences and opinions for this game test.

#Control Instructions:

Press “V” to check all animals vision.

Arrow and WASD keys to move camera.

Mouse roller to zoom in and out.

“ESC” to pause the game.

Other interactions with the game are controlled by mouse click.

You can download the file and unzipped it. Then you are good to go!

Since it is for research use, there is a preliminary target for the game, to learn the Genetic Algorthm!

Here I would like to ask you to participant my test for the evaluation session. A pre-test questionnaire is designed for getting basic understanding of your background and previous knowledge.

Pre-test: https://forms.office.com/r/CcVTsK6Z4L

Another post-test questionnaire is designe for evaluate your learning gain after playing the game!

Post-test: https://forms.office.com/r/EVtcVjPshq


Ecosystem Simulator Windows.zip 31 MB